Friday 14 November 2008

Victorian Schools - homework due 20th November

In what ways do you think that technology has improved schools nowadays?
Please write a paragraph or a list to explain the kinds of things which have changed and the opportunities you have nowadays because of advances in technology.
S.Yeoman and I.McCartney


Anonymous said...

In victorian times they used an abacus now we use a calculator.
They used chalk and a slate board now we use pencil and paper.
They used a chalkboard we use a whiteboard and IWB.
They used pen and ink we use pencil.
They used a cane or belt we use a golden time chart.
They used desks that lift up we use tables and trays.
They used a globe we use an atlas,map or internet.
The boys and girls were separated now we are mixed.


Anonymous said...

Technoligy is different nowadays, in the olden days theyre was no technoligy what so ever.The things that have changed is well, in victorian times they had no T.V and they also had no computers in the school, and they also didn't have telephones either, if they wanted to talk they would just have to go over to thier house and comunicate with them there, there was no other way to comunicate with each other and there was no cars,supposingly they had to get a carrige or walk to were they want to go.They had no games or as we would say, technoligical games,and last they wouldn't have radio's either, they wouldn't listen to anything.

by Jodie H

Anonymous said...

The School room could be quite a grim building.The rooms were warmed by a single stove fire/open fire.The walls of a Victorian school room were quite bare,except perhaps for an embroidered text .Curtains were used to divide the schoolhouse into classrooms


Anonymous said...

I think schools have improved over the years by... electricty like computers, lights, automatic bells,I.W.B.But we have comfier chairs, coloured tables and we have bigger space.We also have
better and improved equipment

Jodie M

Anonymous said... belt dunce hat slates

Abigail Bowes

Anonymous said...

Nowadays we have many different ways of learning unlike the Victorians who often copied things down or chanted things till they were perfect. A Victorian pupil often used a slate to write on and an abacus to count. We use the internet, interactive white boards, Nintendo DS and calculators. So our lessons are more fun and interesting.

By Kevin

Anonymous said...

I think school has improved nowadays because we have computers. On computers you can go on the internet and research about the can also listen to music and play games on the internet. You can use word art and type up stories, paragraphs, sentences and lots more. We use a calculater nowadays instead of an abacus.We have a whiteboards in the classrooms and we use them to watch videos and play the nintendo wii. In maths we play a nintendo ds which is a game controller to test our brain.


Anonymous said...

Due to the use of computers, information can be found instantly on the internet. This means that there is no need for as many books, as information can be printed for the class.
We also have calculators instead of an abacus, this means we can calculate quickly with no errors. These allow us to learn much more.
By Megan Smith

Anonymous said...

I think technology has helped schools because we now have:
The Wii.
Electronic Whiteboards.
Playstation 2.
Better chairs.
DVD players.
More Gym Equitment.
Better playtime equitment.

All these things have made schools better because all them make learning easier and provide better education.
By Cameron B

Anonymous said...

I think technology was improved schools because,

1.We can learn things differently
2.School is more fun
3.Do different stuff
4.Get a better education


Anonymous said...

Well nowadays we use computers to go on internet and find out things about your topic. We were aloud to use calculators and in the victorian days they all had to use slates. Nowadays we use pens and pencils but in the victorian days they all had to use paint or chalk.

by chloe

Anonymous said...

Nowadays we use computers and the internet to help us with our work.
We also use interactive whiteboards to watch DVDs which are linked to our topic.

By Christopher M

Anonymous said...

I think technology has changed because you can have all different game consols,like nintendo ds ,the wii,and a lot more.
Technology use to be different because they did not have the money the have now a days and the factorys are alot better.

bye Abby

Anonymous said...

Nearly every school in this country has computers and inernet acces e.g

by kyle

Anonymous said...

I think the schools now are much better than the ones back then.
Victorian children were not allowed to speak unless spoken to.
They were caned if they misbehaved or did not learn their lessons.
There were few books and most lessons were learned by 'rote' = that is they kept repeating lessons till they knew them by heart.
Matty McCabe.

Anonymous said...

I think that computers and boards have changed beacause we have computers and laptops but they didn't. We use interactive whiteboards and whiteboards instead of a slate and easels.Technology has changed in many ways one of them is how we learn to count do reserch and write.We have different computers so it's easyer to reserch and it's easyer to write.

kimberley mc.

Anonymous said...

1.cetral heating
3.interactive board.

Anonymous said...

I think technology has improved schools nowadays in the following ways:

We use paper and pencils instead of slates and chalk.
We use an interactive/white board instead of an easel and blackboard.
We use calculators and cubes instead of an abacus.
Faster communication with other schools and local authority using email or fax.
Faster access to information using internet rather than looking up in books.

Anonymous said...

1.phones as we can keep in touch with anywhere in the world.
2.computers and internet as we can now get information rather than just using books.
3.central heating as our schools are now warm and comfortable
4.electric lighting as now we can all see well before the victorians used candles.

Anonymous said...

I think technology has improved schooling in the modern day compared to the Victorian times by the use of Internet and Computing,A pupil now can access all kinds of information freely.

by Kyle

Anonymous said...

I think nowadays everything has changed beacause we dont get the belt or the kane we dont use slates and abacuses

By rory

Anonymous said...

The things that have changed from now and victorian times are the Cane to Golden Time Chart Chalk and Ink and Pen to Pencil and Pen Slates and copybooks to Jotters Dunce Hat to Row From The Teacher. Many things have changed from victorian times and it would probebly take me forever to list all of them but in victorian times kids struggled a lot from what we do now no computers and no help from teachers the schools were tough for the children. Lets just say were lucky but they weren't. By Ellen Graham

Anonymous said...

i think it has helped because if you were an author in the victorian times you would have to handwrite the books but now a days you can write on the computers.


Anonymous said...

Technology has helped because now we do not have the belt,cane or dunces hat[phew]. Also today we have paper and pencils whilst back in victorian times they used slates and slate-pencils. We can use interactive whiteboards which is quicker and the Victorians had nothing like that.

Anonymous said...

Technology made the school more exciting. The computer helps us research things, like Queen Victoria, play games, watch videos and find the way to places. You can even get emails! Techology helped take most of the boring things away like always writing in our jotters. The abucas was used in a victorian classroom for number work and got replaced with the calculator because it was easier to use.


Anonymous said...

I think technology has improved by having a interactive white board and a moving white board.Now that we have the internet we can research and find information quickly.Before the introduction of computers,we used books but sometimes we still use them to get information.

Anonymous said...

Technology has improvesed schools nowadays by the use,compters, whitebords, pens and pencils,paper printers, and electicity. Hraman Gill

Anonymous said...

victorian times

It has all changed with schools nowadays and achools in Victorian times nowadays we have central heating to keep the class warm back then the did not have things like that. We have whiteboards but in Victorian times they had blakboards but were nomaly very small and the teacher had to sqeese a lot of things on that , we also have interavtive whitboards and computers but they did not have anything like that it has all changed. Somtimes they had to use slates to write on and a slat pen nowadays we just use paper with a pen or pencil wich is much more easy to writ with.

by Aimee Baldie

Anonymous said...

I think technology has improved in schools nowadays through computer technology.You can learn on the computer at home or in school or via the internet.You also have tv,radio,telephone so you can learn and communicate with others.
We also have better writing materials,calculaters and equipment that makes our work easier.


Anonymous said...

in the victorian times they used somthing called abacus that helped them count now we use a calculater thats helps us and also back in the victorian times the would use a slate and chalk because paper was to expensive now we use paper and a pencil or pen.And also now a days we have computers so we can go on the inter net and search different things and and if you were going to write a book or a peice of homework for school you can use the computer back then you would do it writing . leah

Anonymous said...

I think technolgy has changed schools and classrooms with computers,calculators,jotters and interactive white boards.this has advanced technolgy in schools and classroooms. Jennifer m

Anonymous said...

In Victorian times they used a cane/belt and we use a golden time chart.They used an abacus we use a calculator,they used ink and a slate and we use pen and paper and computers. Also in Victorian times boys and girls were separated and now they are not.

Andrew McCarthy